
My name is Steve Cronin and my primary interest in life is exploring the art & science of optimizing mental performance and psychological development. I attempt to utilize every tool in this process (like transpersonal psychology, technology, nootropics, biohacking, contemplative practices) in an attempt to not only increase mental performance, but to further understand the limits of my own mind – and attempt to break them. All so we can be our best selves in whatever we do!

The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations.

Robert monroe

I’ll be using this website to track my work on these interests – and – share the platforms I post most of my relevant content on (like, for example, my sometimes banned YouTube channel.)

Increasing consciousness = increasing complexity.

Ken wilber

I’ll also use this home page (okay, I understand we’re not operating online in the 90s) as a reference for everyone to view all the knowledge I’ve been exposed to in my lifetime (as I write this, I’m 31 years old.) This will mostly take form in personal commentaries and lists – for example – classes I’ve taken, books I’ve read, various individuals and organizations that produce content I enjoy, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to visit! If you’d like to read a free e-book that I have written – 4 Simple Hacks to Increase your Focus at Work – you may download that back clicking here. Take care!